Sunday, July 06, 2008

Office work and Avatar

I am so stressed out in my office work. With the exportation of the database in my program to QuickBooks database just sucks. There were too many moving parts. At the beginning I was not really into the idea that we used the QuickBooks program for our accounting stuff. Since I already have an accounting program that I have created myself with an accountant friend. But my boss (owner of the company just said “nope”). He said that he is very much familiar with QB. And it will be tedious to teach a new accounting program to the staff.

Oh well, that’s life. :-(

I just finished watching the latest episode of Avatar (Season 3, Episode 15). I must admit. At first, this animation did not caught my attention. But a friend of mine said that he really loves this show, together with her girl friend. So I decided to watch it from the very beginning (Season 1, episode 1). And boy do I got hooked. The story telling is just amazing. All of the components are there. Great action, drama, comedy, intrigue, love story and suspense. There were even episodes that I cried. I can’t believe I said that.

And now, I just can’t wait to get the next episode.

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